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10 Steps To Loose Belly Fat

Who wants to look fat? No one right? Be it a women or a man, we all want a toned body. Not only does it look bad but body fat brings along numerous diseases too. Let us talk about the most stubborn body fat that spreads easily but is too hard to reduce. Yes! Belly fat. It is really annoying when your clothing feel tight on you.

Belly fat is also known as visceral fat. This stubborn fat can cause major health risks like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and a lot of other conditions. 

Persons with excess fat around their abdominal area are at a higher risk. Losing fat from belly area can be really tough; however, there are numerous ways to reduce tummy excess fat.

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Here are few effective tips that will help to lose excess belly fat. These tips are supported by scientific studies:

Green tea

Green tea is beneficial for your whole body since it contains catechins. The antioxidants present in the green tea helps in reducing the stubborn tummy fat. Sipping green tea before workout and after 45 min of every meal helps in reducing belly fat. This tea increases your metabolic rate and thus burns off the unwanted fat in your body. This tea is also known for its property of decreasing the risk of cancer and heart ailments. So a little exercise and drinking green tea is what you need to get rid of your belly fat.

Drink a lot of water

Staying hydrated all day long is very important for a person’s general health. It is suggested to drink around 3 to 4 liters of water every day to burn more calories. This helps in flushing out the toxins from your body. Especially if you drink lukewarm body, it helps in reducing fat near the tummy area. You can add lemon and honey with lukewarm water and have it in the morning on an empty stomach to increase your metabolism rate and improve your digestion.  Drinking 30 to 45 min before having your meal also lessens your appetite thus reduces the calorie intake. Also, ensure that you avoid any beverages that contain lots of calories and sugar. Drinking more water also eliminates the problem of constipation hence decreasing bloating problem.


Whatever you drink or eat, make sure you exercise on a daily basis. Exercise along with a good diet plan is the best way to get rid of weight. When we are talking about exercise then the best way to reduce tummy fat is crunches. Try to do daily crunches in a perfect way and see the magic.  Along with crunches you can also incorporate planks in your routine.


Yoga helps to reduce body fat and gain inner peace. Asanas like Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati work great for those that have a big tummy and helps people with PCOD who have a general tendency of gaining weight near the tummy area. Butterfly yoga works like a miracle on them. Other than that Dhanur asana, Tabatha and more are also very useful and effective in reducing belly fat. Suryanamaskar is another yoga that works on the whole body. This asana has total 12 steps and each one is for a specific part of the body, helping you to reduce stubborn fat.

Reduce intake of salt 

Salt holds water and consuming excess amount of salt makes your belly bloated. When you go to a supermarket next time to buy salt make sure to read the contents on the package. There should not be high sodium level in it.

Have fatty fish 

Fatty fishes like salmon, tuna or sardines have good protein and are rich in omega-3 acids. If you eat 3 to 4 portions in a week you can decrease health risk like heart disease. Along with that this, also burns your belly fat. Omega-3 acids have the capability of reducing visceral fat and are recommended by many dieticians.

Say no to carbs

Say no to carbs or try to reduce the quantity of carbohydrate intake like bread, rice, etc. You must avoid consumption of refined carbs if you want to lose fat in your abdominal area and increase the metabolic rate. However, one can go for unprocessed carbs like in place of white bread choose brown bread. Have lots of green vegetables and fruits.

Fibrous food

Consuming soluble fibers makes one feel full for a long time. Thus you do not feel like munching unnecessary calories during meal time. These fibers absorb water and then form a gel that aids in reducing belly fat.

Some of the best soluble fiber rich food items are barley, beans, nuts, seeds, oats, and lentils.

Say No to alchohol

If you are really serious about losing belly fat then say no to alcohol. Alcohol contains a huge amount of sugar content which is very harmful for your body. Consuming more alcohol especially beer leads to increase in fat near the abdomen.

Cardio exercises

Last but not the least, enroll in a gym and try to do cardio exercises like running on a treadmill, cycling, etc. You can also go for a morning walk and jogging in case you don’t want to enroll in a gym. Cardio exercises are an amazing way to burn the extra fat from your body.

These are some simple tips that you can follow to get a flat tummy and wear your favorite dresses in style. Buy products at a discounted price with the latest coupons from Don’tPayAll.

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